Tell RMS Recruitment Why You Love Your Secretarial Jobs in London

Secretaries in today’s companies have many responsibilities and are among the most important employees in the organisation. Skills required for such a position vary from the nature and industry of each company. As such, the only individuals suited to these jobs are those who are flexible, fast-learners and hard working.

As one of the leading secretarial recruitment agencies in London, RMS Recruitment prides itself on having an eye for talent. Right now, we are on the hunt for an exceptional individual who will have the opportunity to be featured in a new video to promote the role of the secretary in companies today. We need only the best of the best, which is why we decided to hold a little competition.


RMS Recruitment is Using Social Media to Expand its Candidate Database

According to Digital media and Social Media Forum, only 40 per cent of UK businesses use social media in their recruitment process. Compare that to the 87 per cent of recruiters in the US that include social media in their hiring strategy, the UK is lagging so far behind. Being one of the leading secretarial recruitment agencies in London, RMS Recruitment we recognise the potential of using social media in search for skilled candidates in order to meet today’s demands.

We use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs and News to cast our nets wider and farther. Combined with our RMS Recruitment PA, Admin, Secretarial Jobs mobile app, we expand our client database.


RMS Recruitment Excels at Recruiting for Unusual PA Jobs in London

With over thirty years of combined experience in the business and recruitment management industries, RMS Recruitment has dealt with all kinds of requests from clients regarding recruitment. Some of our top candidates have ended up working as PAs for famous personalities, wealthy clients, and major organisations all over London. High-profile clients usually have specific demands and greater expectations, which is why the recruitment process must be stricter. With our experience and expertise, we excel at recruiting only the best candidates even for the most unusual PA jobs in London.

One of the challenges in recruiting PAs for the rich and famous is finding the right candidate for the right job, whilst protecting the client’s identity like the crown jewels. A candidate might possess the skills required, but the client may still turn him or her down.



Here at RMS Recruitment, we believe that we can’t be among the best secretarial recruitment agencies in London unless we keep up with the times. Thus, we find ways to continuously evolve our diverse suite of services as well as the overall operation of our firm. We strive to understand the unique capabilities brought by technology and the solutions they enable.

Today, mobile phones are used for a staggering array of purposes. These technological marvels allow people to accomplish things on the go. With that in mind, we are glad to announce that we will be launching the “RMS Recruitment – PA and Admin Jobs” App. Through this, we are combining the power of mobile devices and social media to give users an easier time to find secretarial job openings and quickly file applications virtually anytime, anywhere.
